Please note: This site does not provide immediate treatment or counseling for people in a suicidal crisis. In case of crisis, call 188 (CVV) or visit the website In case of emergency, seek care at a nearby hospital.
Please note: This site does not provide immediate treatment or counseling for people in a suicidal crisis. In case of crisis, call 188 (CVV) or visit the website In case of emergency, seek care at a nearby hospital.
The information available on this website does not under any circumstances replace professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor on any matter relating to your health and the treatments and medications taken by you or the people receiving your care and attention.
The Brazilian Society of Hypnosis is a school with a QMS certified based on ABNT NBR ISO 9001 that professionalizes the hypnosis scenario in Brazil. Promotes emotional health for people, institutions and businesses through hypnosis.
Copyright © 2024 Brazilian Society of Hypnosis