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Is it possible to quit smoking with hypnosis? What are its benefits?

There are many reasons for anyone to quit smoking. According to the National Cancer Institute (Inca), smoking is related to at least 50 diseases. So, is it possible to quit smoking through clinical hypnosis?

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There are many reasons for anyone to quit smoking. According to the National Cancer Institute (Inca), smoking is related to at least 50 diseases, including: 

  • various types of cancer (lung, larynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas), 
  • respiratory diseases (pulmonary emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma),  
  • cardiovascular diseases (acute myocardial infarction, hypertension, aneurysms). 

Furthermore, estimates show that approximately 157,000 people die each year from complications caused by smoking.  

For all these reasons, it’s no surprise that there are many ways to help a smoker quit the habit. The aids available today for smoking cessation range from nicotine gums to medications prescribed by doctors.

In this text, we will delve a little deeper into one of these treatment possibilities which, although still not widely known by many people, is a true ally in ending the addiction: hypnosis. 

So, is it possible to quit smoking through this technique? Follow the reading and find out! 

Why is it so difficult to quit smoking?

Before discussing hypnosis as a treatment, let’s take a step back and understand why people have great difficulties when they decide to quit smoking. 

The answer is: the physiological dependence on nicotine and the psychological dependence on the habit of smoking are the factors that most hinder smoking cessation. 

And, according to a study from the Brazilian Medical Association Journal, “the counseling provided by any health professional increases smoking cessation rates”. In other words, having professional support may be what makes your attempt to quit smoking truly effective.

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What is withdrawal syndrome? 

When trying to quit smoking abruptly, the smoker may experience withdrawal syndrome. That is, effects manifested by the body due to the absence of cigarettes. They can be psychological and physical, such as: 

  • difficulty concentrating, 
  • nervousness, 
  • depressed mood, 
  • insomnia, 
  • irritability, 
  • anxiety, 
  • aggressiveness, 
  • restlessness, 
  • reduced blood pressure, 
  • lower heart rate, 
  • fatigue, 
  • intense headache, 
  • increased appetite, 
  • gastric discomfort, 
  • cough, 
  • lack of motor coordination,  
  • tremors. 
Smoker quitting the cigarette

Hypnosis as an aid for smoking cessation 

As with any other method, quitting smoking with hypnosis significantly depends on the user’s willingness, being the main responsible for the treatment’s success

In other words: if you want to end the addiction and are seeking professional help for it, don’t expect a miracle. First of all, you need to truly want to quit smoking. Only then can the treatment be successful. The smoker’s commitment to the cause must come first. 

With the support of hypnosis, a specialized therapist can look for the triggers of the smoking behavior and the emotions that contribute to maintaining this addiction.

In this sense, the need to smoke functions as a form of emotional regulation, such as reducing stress or anxiety. And remember, it is extremely important to have the support of a qualified professional for the treatment to be successful.

But what exactly are these triggers for each smoker? 

Well, there can be many. This relates to each person’s life history. Therefore, the therapist needs to thoroughly investigate the patient’s life context so that the hypnosis techniques used are accurate.

As mentioned above, it is not magic, and it is not possible to use a specific technique for everyone. It is important to tailor strategies to the patient and their possibilities.

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Hypnosis allows the patient to:

  • Better understand their emotional functioning mechanism
  • Reframe certain patterns and beliefs
  • Expand their repertoire for dealing with emotional conflict situations

For example: if you are a smoker and, at the first stress peak of the day, you lit a cigarette to feel calmer, hypnosis can help you break this automatic behavior. This way, you will seek other ways to deal with stress, as hypnotherapy helps in reconditioning the mind in a short period of time. 

Withdrawal crises can occur, of course, as in any other treatment. However, with hypnosis, the crises tend to be less intense, as the therapy precisely develops the patient’s ability to manage their emotions and, consequently, the interruption (or better understanding) of dysfunctional behaviors. 

Combined treatments: medication and hypnosis therapy 

If the treatment to quit smoking is carried out alongside medication assistance – commonly indicated by doctors –, the chances of success with hypnotherapy may be higher. This is because hypnosis addresses emotional and behavioral aspects, while medications act on the physiological field. 

However, medication alone may not be as successful for the same reasons. As they address the biological field and smoking initially started in the emotional part, using medications without a deep understanding of the emotional and behavioral reasons behind smoking may be less effective. 

See how hypnotherapy can be a great ally in your fight to quit smoking? Visit to see the options for therapists for online or in-person consultations in your area.

This publication is also available at: Portuguese (Brazil) Spanish

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Picture of Erick Ribeiro

Erick Ribeiro

Psychologist graduated from PUC Minas and co-founder of the Brazilian Society of Hypnosis. With extensive experience in clinical hypnosis, he also works in the field of digital marketing, helping to popularize hypnosis on the internet. His work is focused on empowering hypnotherapists, offering them tools to improve their practices and reach more people.

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