As we have mentioned here in other posts, hypnosis for weight loss is still an underestimated technique by some people, as there is a great mystification of the methodology.
However, it has been scientifically proven that hypnosis works and is not any “magic”, much less a “dangerous procedure”. No wonder it is recognized by different professional councils, such as Medicine, Psychology, Dentistry, and others.
Hypnotherapy, when applied by qualified professionals, can bring different benefits to the patient, such as: relaxation, anxiety relief, support in smoking cessation, and even weight loss – and this is the subject we will delve into today!
After all, does betting on hypnosis for weight loss work?
The common difficulty found in diets
Before detailing the relationship between hypnosis and weight loss, let’s understand a bit of the context.
Have you noticed that many people have difficulty losing weight? In many cases, when there is no physiological limitation, this barrier lies in the dysfunctionality of some emotionally-driven behaviors.
The famous “willpower”, after all, is not activated just by pressing a button, right? Often, the difficulty in sticking to a diet – or even maintaining the considered ideal weight – lies in what the individual believes or how they perceive that process.
The fact is that, like anything else in life, a diet cannot seem like a sacrifice or be synonymous with suffering. And this is exactly where hypnotherapy can be your best friend. Follow along!
How does hypnosis aid in weight loss?
Hypnosis for weight loss does indeed help. And, just like in hypnotherapy aimed at smoking cessation, it is very important for the patient to assume themselves as the protagonist of the process. That is: they need to want it and, above all, believe that it is possible.
So, if you are truly motivated to make the process happen and be a success, hypnosis will be a great ally. Take a look!
Possible suggestions of hypnosis for weight loss
Through hypnotherapy, weight loss can be facilitated by allowing the individual to:
- Reduce appetite and the excessive intake of specific foods (such as sweets or burgers);
- Reframe traumas, experiences, and/or learnings that are directly linked to the difficulty of losing weight;
- Teach how to differentiate a moment of hunger from a moment of habit and a moment of anxiety;
- Enable feeling pleasure in practicing physical activities and having other healthy habits.
Do you know the transtheoretical model? Do you know its relation to hypnosis for weight loss?
In general terms, the transtheoretical model is a tool that helps diagnose the desires for changes in specific addictions. Knowledge formulated from this theory can be applied, adjusted or not, in hypnosis for weight loss.
In a scientific article published in 2007 on the approach of the transtheoretical model in eating behavior, we can better understand what it is and how it emerged:
“Several studies emphasize that the transtheoretical model can be considered a promising tool to aid in understanding health-related behavioral change. It was developed by two American researchers, James O. Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente, in the 1980s, through studies with smokers.
At the time, it was observed that many smokers managed to quit the habit without psychotherapy help, while others only succeeded with this type of treatment.
The stimulus for the research that culminated in the development of the model was the hypothesis, later confirmed, that there were basic principles that would explain the structure of behavior change that occurred with or without psychotherapy(…)
Since then, the transtheoretical model has been applied to other behaviors beyond smoking(…)
More recently, its use has been observed in the area of dietary change, focusing on different aspects: fat consumption, fruits, vegetables, fibers, and calcium, as well as dietary strategies for weight and diabetes control.”
The transtheoretical model identified five stages in which patients can be “classified”, namely:
- Pre-contemplation (lack of willingness to change in the short and long term);
- Contemplation (the patient knows they need to lose weight but has not taken initiatives for it);
- Preparation (there is motivation for change, and the individual already sees themselves achieving it);
- Action (there is already a practical movement towards change);
- Maintenance (the person already maintains that habit for more than six months).
In hypnotherapy, identifying these stages can assist in the type of suggestion to be given during the session. It is worth remembering that, in any of them, it is possible to undergo treatment with hypnosis and achieve success.
How it happens in practice
Through hypnotherapy, it will be possible to direct the patient towards real change. In other words, clear objectives with positive expressions are worked on: what do you want to achieve and how can this be stated positively?
For example: “I want to have a healthier diet and I can do this” instead of “I can’t lose weight and eat well”.
In addition, triggering factors from the emotional field that compromise the success of the diet are identified. Stress, for example, causes a craving for sweets.
From this, tests are conducted, which can progress as therapy advances. The hypnotherapist induces you to an imaginary test, where you can imagine yourself living the next few weeks, having behavior aligned with your expectation to follow the diet. Then, of course, it’s time to experience this in reality.
Finally, it is important to emphasize that hypnotherapy is a multidisciplinary support tool, that is, it can be used by all professionals who work with this demand.
Did you see how hypnosis for weight loss can be very useful in your process? Take the opportunity to research the professionals available for online or in-person consultations in your area.
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