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Hypnosis to Quit Smoking: Fact or Myth? Find Out Now!

“Hypnosis to quit smoking: An effective strategy or just a myth? Discover in our article full of scientific evidence!”

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Are you curious to learn more about hypnosis to quit smoking? Perhaps you’re wondering if it’s true or a myth that someone can, in fact, quit nicotine addiction through this method. If that’s the case, we at the Brazilian Society of Hypnosis (SBH) have something very interesting to share with you.

Clinical hypnosis, when applied by qualified and ethical professionals, has proven effective in helping people with various demands, including smoking cessation. But how does it really work? And how can hypnosis help control the symptoms of cigarette withdrawal? These and many other questions will be addressed in this article.

We are ready to guide you on a journey into the fascinating world of hypnosis and its application in smoking cessation. From understanding what hypnosis is and how it works, to real testimonials from people who managed to quit smoking with the help of this practice.

We are here because we believe knowledge is power. The correct information can be the difference for those determined to change their lives and leave cigarette addiction behind. And that’s exactly what we intend to bring you: quality information, based on science and clinical practice.

So, if you are one of these people or are interested in helping others in this situation, join us on this journey. Are you ready to discover more about hypnosis to quit smoking? Let’s go!

What is hypnosis and how does it work?

Hypnosis is an intentionally induced state of consciousness that involves focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness, allowing for a greater response to suggestion. In the clinical field, ethical and scientific methods of hypnosis are used to help people achieve various goals, such as quitting smoking.

Contrary to some popular misconceptions, hypnosis is not about mind control, nor does it put an individual in a sleep-like state. In fact, during hypnosis, the person remains conscious and maintains control over their behavior.

The hypnosis process occurs in three stages: induction, change, and return. In induction, the hypnotist guides the person into a state of deep relaxation. In the second phase, change, the hypnotist uses suggestions to help the person achieve their goals. In the case of hypnosis to quit smoking, the suggestions may be, for example, associating the cigarette with unpleasant images and sensations. Finally, in the return stage, the person is brought back to their normal state of consciousness.

It is essential to mention that hypnosis should not be seen as a magical solution, but rather as a tool that, when used ethically and responsibly, can enhance the results of evidence-based health treatments.

Hypnosis to quit smoking: What is the science behind it?

You may have wondered: how can hypnosis to quit smoking work? How can a mere intentionally induced state of consciousness overcome such a strong addiction?

The answer is simple: it’s all scientific! The science behind hypnosis is related to how our brain interprets and reacts to stimuli. In short, we can recondition ourselves to respond differently to the stimuli that originally led us to tobacco addiction.

Hypnosis to quit smoking is based on the concept of automatic thoughts and behaviors. These are the thoughts and behaviors that we are not always aware we have

but, nonetheless, directly influence our reactions. For the smoker, the cigarette can become part of an automatic behavior, where an action (such as a break at work or a coffee after lunch) triggers the urge to smoke.

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By using hypnosis, we aim to change the way the brain interprets these stimuli, replacing the urge to smoke with a healthier behavior. Thus, instead of picking up a cigarette after a meal, for example, the person can learn to pick up a glass of water. This is just one example – the new behavior can be adjusted according

to what best fits the individual’s routine and lifestyle.

In summary, through hypnosis, the brain is reconditioned to interpret and react differently to the stimuli that previously triggered the urge to smoke. Yes, it’s science. And it’s fascinating!

Is Hypnosis Effective for Quitting Smoking?

Is Hypnosis Effective for Quitting Smoking?

Yes, hypnosis is a powerful tool in the fight against smoking. It is important to remember that each person is unique, so not everyone will respond the same way to hypnotherapy.

Scientific studies have already proven that hypnosis to quit smoking helps manage withdrawal symptoms, reinforces the determination to quit the habit, and can even reduce temptation.

But how does this happen? Hypnosis accesses our brain on a deeper level, inviting the mind to adopt new behaviors and abandon old patterns. With this, it allows the person to gain a new perspective on smoking, transforming their relationship with cigarettes.

The effectiveness of hypnosis can be enhanced when combined with cognitive-behavioral therapy. However, it is worth emphasizing that hypnosis is not a “magic button” that you press to quit smoking immediately – it requires true commitment to change.

Furthermore, it is essential that the treatment is conducted by a certified and experienced professional in the application of hypnosis to quit smoking, capable of guiding the patient through this transformation journey with guaranteed safety and effectiveness.

Withdrawal Crisis: The Role of Hypnosis in Controlling Symptoms

The struggle to overcome tobacco addiction is multifaceted. And hypnosis has played a significant role in alleviating withdrawal crises. As a health professional, it is crucial to recognize how hypnosis to quit smoking can assist in this delicate process.

The withdrawal crisis occurs when a smoker’s body begins to deprive itself of nicotine. This can lead to uncomfortable symptoms, such as restlessness, irritability, and anxiety, making the cessation process challenging. And this is where hypnosis plays a fundamental role.

Hypnosis primarily focuses on developing a calming and relaxing response. With hypnotic induction, it is possible to alter the person’s automatic behavior, thus directly addressing the anxiety generated by the lack of nicotine. It may seem simple, but it’s powerful! Having a way to deal with anxiety and tobacco cravings is key to recovery.

Moreover, hypnosis is an effective tool for redefining habitual behaviors. With continued sessions, the desire to smoke can be replaced with healthier and more constructive habits, helping the person follow a tobacco-free path.

‘So, can hypnosis really help control withdrawal crisis symptoms?’ The answer is yes. And the best part is that hypnosis is a tool that any health professional can learn and use to help their patients deal with the stress and anxiety of withdrawal crises.

Therefore, as a certified clinical hypnosis professional, you will have a relevant and significant skill to add to your repertoire. Being able to help patients navigate the uncomfortable process of withdrawal crises and move towards a tobacco-free life is a big step forward for the overall health of your patients.

Success Stories: Real Stories of Those Who Quit Smoking with Hypnosis

When talking about hypnosis to quit smoking, it’s impossible not to mention real stories of people who managed to say goodbye to the addiction with the help of clinical hypnosis.

Ana, for example, was a smoker for over 20 years. She tried various approaches to quit smoking but always succumbed to temptation. After going through a few hypnosis sessions, she managed to free herself from smoking and comments: “After hypnosis, I simply no longer feel the urge to smoke. It’s incredible!”.

João, another ex-smoker thanks to hypnosis, had the habit of smoking as soon as he woke up and before going to bed. Two periods of the day when he found the most resistance to quitting the addiction. He was surprised by the therapy’s result and declares: “I can’t explain it, but since the first session, waking up and going to sleep without the cigarette became simple tasks for me. I would vigorously recommend hypnosis to anyone who wants to quit smoking.”

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These are just two of the many real success stories we have. Remembering that each body reacts differently to hypnosis, so for some people, the results may be faster, while for others, it may take more time.

However, anyone who commits to the process and has the discipline to follow the therapy’s guidelines will have a great chance of freeing themselves from cigarettes using hypnosis to quit smoking.

How to Become a Certified Hypnotherapist by SBH

How to Become a Certified Hypnotherapist by SBH

If you are interested in using hypnosis to quit smoking for other patients and believe in the effectiveness of this technique, becoming a certified hypnotherapist by the Brazilian Society of Hypnosis (SBH) may be the best decision to make. SBH provides high-standard training, aligned with the best practices and scientific evidence in the field of clinical hypnosis.

To become a hypnotherapist by SBH, you need to go beyond interest and passion. You must complete a hypnosis training course with an average duration of two years, where you will learn the theory and practice of clinical hypnosis. Additionally, to obtain certification, you must undergo an evaluation with professionals accredited by SBH and demonstrate your aptitude for practicing hypnosis.

The training provided by SBH covers various areas of hypnosis application, including hypnosis for smoking. Throughout the course, you will gain knowledge about hypnotic induction techniques, conduct in-depth studies on psychoanalysis and psychology, learn to interpret the signs given by patients, and, of course, know how to handle withdrawal crises caused by smoking.

Upon completing the course, SBH will grant certification that proves your technical ability to work as a hypnotherapist. This certificate is nationally recognized and attests that you are qualified to use hypnosis as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of various pathologies, including smoking.

If you believe hypnosis can contribute to a world with fewer smokers and more quality of life, taking this step in your career will be rewarding. Be the change you want to see in the world!

Ethics and Responsibility in the Practice of Clinical Hypnosis

Applying clinical hypnosis requires commitment to ethics and responsibility from the professional. If your goal is to use hypnosis to quit smoking, for example, it is crucial to understand that this can be an effective part of the treatment, but it is only one of the elements in a broader recovery process.

It is essential that clinical hypnosis professionals are aware of the limits of their practice. Hypnosis should not be used to treat conditions beyond their professional competence. Respect for the field of practice and technical capabilities is necessary to ensure the patient receives proper treatment.

Exceeding the limits of professional practice is not only unethical but also harmful to the patient. In cases where hypnosis is ineffective, it is our duty as ethical professionals to clearly inform the patient and seek more appropriate treatment alternatives.

It would be irresponsible to promise a miraculous cure through hypnosis to quit smoking, or any other condition. The responsibility of the hypnotist is to offer a service that enhances the chances of success in smoking cessation, always according to the available scientific evidence.

At the Brazilian Society of Hypnosis, we believe in the power of hypnosis as a powerful therapeutic tool. However, we reiterate that its use requires responsibility, ethics, and commitment to the patient’s well-being.

Myths and Truths About Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

Demystifying Myths: Truths and Falsehoods About Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

There are many myths about hypnosis to quit smoking, and our role here is to clarify some of them. One of the most common myths is that hypnosis is a magical way to quit smoking overnight. In reality, hypnosis is a tool that can help those who wish to quit smoking, but it requires commitment and willingness from the individual.

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Another widely spread myth is that hypnosis will make you quit smoking even if you don’t want to. Hypnosis is not a mind-controlling force – in fact, it entirely depends on the individual’s willingness to change. If the person is not willing to quit smoking, hypnosis will not be able to help them.

There is also the false belief that a single hypnosis session is enough to make someone quit smoking. Although it is possible for some, most people need several sessions, along with a continued action plan to deal with the urge to smoke.

Last but not least, the myth is that if you go back to smoking after hypnosis, it means it doesn’t work. However, relapse is common in the journey to quit smoking and should not be seen as a failure but as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Hypnosis to quit smoking is a powerful tool, but it is also essential to enter it with realistic expectations and a commitment attitude.


This article explored the effectiveness of hypnosis to quit smoking and pointed out several scientific evidences that support its effectiveness. As a health professional, we know that hypnosis, when applied correctly, can be a powerful tool to help patients overcome challenges, including smoking.

However, we also reiterate the importance of ethical and responsible practice when using hypnosis. The application of hypnosis requires specialized training and is reserved for duly certified health professionals.

It is clear that scientific hypnosis is a constantly evolving field. And for this reason, we are always learning more about how it can be applied effectively and safely. We conclude that hypnosis is a significant and effective therapeutic tool to help patients quit smoking, but always within a professional and ethical clinical context.

Are you interested in learning scientific hypnosis to apply professionally? To enhance your results in your current profession or even have a new profession? Learn about the evidence-based hypnosis courses and postgraduate programs from the Brazilian Society of Hypnosis through the link: https://www.hipnose.com.br/cursos/.

Frequently Asked Questions

Throughout the article, you discovered various information about hypnosis to quit smoking: what it is, how it works, the science behind it, and how to become a certified hypnotherapist by SBH. Now, let’s answer some common questions on the topic.

1. How long does it take for hypnosis to take effect in combating smoking?

The effectiveness of hypnosis varies from person to person. While some individuals may notice an improvement in a few sessions, others may require more sessions to achieve the desired result.

2. Is hypnosis a safe method?

When performed by a certified and experienced professional, hypnosis is considered a very safe treatment, with no known side effects.

3. Can everyone benefit from hypnosis to quit smoking?

Although most people can benefit from clinical hypnosis, it may not be suitable for people with certain health conditions or for those who are not mentally prepared to make significant changes in their lives.

4. Can I try self-hypnosis to quit smoking?

Self-hypnosis can be a great complementary tool to treatment with a professional hypnotherapist. However, it is best not to replace professional therapy with individual attempts, especially if you are new to hypnosis.

5. Does hypnosis to quit smoking work for everyone?

Not necessarily. Each person reacts differently to hypnosis, and the success of the treatment also depends on the individual’s predisposition and motivation to quit smoking.

6. Are there any risks or side effects of hypnosis?

When conducted by qualified professionals, hypnosis is a safe technique. However, like any psychotherapeutic intervention, it can provoke strong emotions and repressed memories, which require appropriate management by the therapist.

This publication is also available at: Portuguese (Brazil) Spanish

Picture of Erick Ribeiro

Erick Ribeiro

Psychologist graduated from PUC Minas and co-founder of the Brazilian Society of Hypnosis. With extensive experience in clinical hypnosis, he also works in the field of digital marketing, helping to popularize hypnosis on the internet. His work is focused on empowering hypnotherapists, offering them tools to improve their practices and reach more people.

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