Automutilação na Infância e Adolescência: Compreender para Prevenir

Self-Harm in Childhood and Adolescence: Understand to Prevent

Learn about self-harm in childhood and adolescence in this article. Discover causes, warning signs, and effective prevention methods.

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In an increasingly complex and challenging society, understanding self-harm in childhood and adolescence has never been more relevant. However, the first step to helping those suffering from this issue is understanding. No one self-harms to seek attention. People self-harm to relieve pain. Understanding this relief, as well as its causes and triggers, are fundamental steps to act early and prevent this behavior from taking hold.

The Brazilian Society of Hypnosis (SBH) advocates that this distressing problem has a solution. Through an ethical and scientific treatment, with properly trained health professionals, clinical hypnosis has proven to be a valuable tool for preventing and treating this disorder. This is based on evidence, not miracles. Like any evidence-based health treatment, hypnosis also has its limitations.

It’s important to highlight that, although it causes suffering and requires treatment, self-harm in childhood and adolescence is not necessarily synonymous with a suicide attempt. However, it can be a sign that something is not right in the individual’s life.

Whether you are a family member, educator, or health professional, we invite you to join us on this journey of understanding. Because believe it, understanding is the first step to prevention.

Self-harm in childhood and adolescence: an introduction

For many people, it is disconcerting to understand why children and adolescents self-harm. Self-harm in childhood and adolescence is a particularly disturbing mental health issue. It results from emotional conflict that the child or adolescent cannot adequately express through words or conventional actions. Conceptually, understanding this issue is vital, both to prevent and to treat this harmful behavior.

Self-harm is defined as the deliberate practice of causing physical pain to oneself. For some young people, it is a way of dealing with overwhelming emotions such as sadness, anger, despair, confusion, and loneliness. It can be as simple as banging one’s head against the wall or as extreme as cutting one’s own skin.

Despite being concerning, these practices are not necessarily suicide attempts, but they are clear signs that the person is in emotional distress and needs help. Contrary to what many might believe, this is a reality not only for adolescents but also for children. Regardless of age, it is a serious issue that demands attention and care.

It is essential to gain a deeper understanding of this complex and painful behavior. As we add more pieces to this puzzle, we are better equipped to help children and young people learn healthier ways to cope with emotional pain.

Understanding self-harm: causes and triggers

To understand self-harm in childhood and adolescence, it is necessary to identify its main causes and triggers. Let’s delve into this knowledge together.

At its core, self-harm is a response to deep emotional discomfort. Generally, this behavior arises when the child or adolescent cannot cope healthily with their intense feelings, being an attempt to control emotional pain by transforming it into physical pain.

Deep emotional issues such as low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and feelings of loneliness are frequently associated with self-harm. More complex psychological disorders, such as borderline personality disorder, can also lead to this behavior.

On the other hand, specific triggers are often associated with the act of self-harming. Conflicts at home, bullying, physical and emotional abuse, intense academic and social pressures and expectations — all these factors can contribute.

Important: these are some examples of causes and triggers, each individual is unique, and experiences can vary greatly.

In the next section, we will focus on identifying signs and symptoms to assist in identifying the problem and promoting effective early interventions.

Identifying signs and symptoms of self-harm

Identifying signs and symptoms of self-harm

The topic of “self-harm in childhood and adolescence” is complex. It is often difficult to identify and diagnose because the signs are not always evident. One way to identify this practice is by observing sudden changes in young people’s behavior.

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Young people may start wearing clothes that cover more of their bodies, even on hot days. This may be an attempt to conceal the physical marks of self-harm. It is important to be attentive to changes such as the frequent use of bracelets or scarves that may be hiding scratches or cuts.

Sudden mood changes can also be a warning. If a child or adolescent seems more withdrawn or irritable than usual, this may indicate a problem. Anxiety and depression can also be signs of self-harm in childhood and adolescence.

In addition to physical and emotional changes, more clear and direct signs may emerge. If a young person talks about hurting themselves, even if it seems like a joke, it should not be ignored. All this information is crucial to identify the problem early and seek professional help when necessary.

When noticing any of these signs, it is essential to maintain open dialogue and not make hasty judgments. Remember that understanding and emotional support are vital to helping children and adolescents in difficult times.

Whenever you notice any of these signs, it is important to seek the help of a certified professional for a correct and timely diagnosis.

The role of family and society in preventing self-harm

The family plays a crucial role in preventing self-harm in childhood and adolescence. It is in the home environment that the child or adolescent feels welcomed and understood, facilitating dialogue about their feelings. Parents and siblings should be attentive to behavior and maintain an open communication channel, avoiding judgments and showing themselves available to offer help when necessary.

Similarly, schools and communities have a substantial influence on young people’s lives. Teachers and peers can notice behavioral changes and act preventively. Providing a safe environment, including socio-emotional learning in the curriculum, and encouraging respect for differences are some essential steps in this process.

It is important to combat the stigma associated with mental health and self-harm. Open dialogue about these topics contributes to information and awareness, reducing the chances of judgments and discrimination. In this sense, awareness and guidance campaigns can be very useful.

However, even in supportive environments, self-harm can occur. Therefore, every adult must be prepared to deal with the situation, learning about the best ways to provide assistance and support. Early attention can save lives and ensure a healthier future for children and adolescents.

When to seek professional help: the importance of early diagnosis

Recognizing signs of self-harm in childhood and adolescence can be challenging. Many are subtle, easily confused with normal developmental behaviors. However, when noticed, they should be taken seriously.

Self-harm is a silent cry for help. Therefore, early diagnosis is crucial in preventing more severe consequences. The sooner professional help is sought, the more effective the intervention will be.

Why is a diagnosis so crucial? Consider this: imagine your car starts making a strange noise in the engine. Ignoring this situation can result in a complete breakdown later on. It is similar to self-harm. Initial signs may seem small, but they are an indication that something is not right.

We, mental health professionals, know that self-harm is often an individual coping mechanism for intense feelings of sadness, anger, or anxiety. Understanding the root cause of these behaviors is the first step in creating an effective treatment plan.

Therefore, at the slightest sign, seek professional help. This way, it will be possible to evaluate the overall context of the situation and establish a treatment strategy. And with clinical hypnosis — this powerful tool at our disposal — we can further enhance these interventions, significantly contributing to the well-being of these children and adolescents.

The role of clinical hypnosis in treating self-harm

The role of clinical hypnosis in treating self-harm

Clinical hypnosis has proven to be an efficient tool in treating self-harm in childhood and adolescence. When treating this delicate condition, the professional must remember that the main goal is to help the patient understand and manage their emotions healthily, breaking the self-destructive cycle.

Hypnosis contributes to this by creating a safe space for patients to explore painful feelings. It allows them to access repressed memories or traumas that may be at the root of self-destructive behavior. By bringing these elements to the surface, the patient gains the opportunity to confront and reconcile with these emotions and/or experiences.

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Subsequently, hypnosis can be used to cultivate new ways of dealing with overwhelming emotions or stressful situations. Through hypnotic suggestion, professionals can guide patients in visualizing healthier strategies, reinforcing positive behaviors and reactions.

Complementing other psychotherapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, hypnosis can be a powerful resource in treating self-harm. However, it should always be remembered that its use must be ethical and responsible. Thus, when performed by qualified professionals, clinical hypnosis can be a beacon of hope for children and adolescents struggling with self-harm.

Success stories: how hypnosis helped young people overcome self-harm

Examples of overcoming and recovery through clinical hypnosis abound. To illustrate, let’s share some real stories. We guarantee full confidentiality, and identities have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved.

Meet the story of Luís, a 17-year-old boy who had been self-harming since he was 12. His road to recovery began when an attentive teacher noticed scars on his arms and decided to intervene. After being referred to a psychologist, Luís was recommended for treatment with clinical hypnosis. Professional support, in synergy with family help and the use of hypnosis, allowed Luís to discover the emotional triggers that led him to hurt himself. He was then able to deactivate them, replacing self-harm with healthier ways of coping with stress.

Then there’s the case of Ana, 15, which brought hope to many. Ana hurt herself to cope with anxiety. Through clinical hypnosis, she was able to understand the connection between her actions and her feelings. She worked on her insecurities and overcame self-harm. Today, she channels her energy into creative activities and sports, using the tools she learned in therapy.

Clinical hypnosis was a key element in both of their fights against self-harm in childhood and adolescence. Both now lead healthy lives, free from the shadow of self-aggression, and have become a source of inspiration for other young people facing the same battle. It is worth noting that each case is unique, and the most important thing is to seek professional help when noticing signs of self-harm.

Prevention actions: how to help children and adolescents deal with negative feelings

In many cases, self-harm in childhood and adolescence touches the paradigm of poorly managed negative feelings. Throughout this journey, a great ally is the development of emotional self-control.

To awaken this sense of emotional self-control, it is necessary to teach young people to increase self-awareness. Another strategy is to promote open communication about emotions. Children need to understand that we all feel anger, sadness, and other negative emotions. What matters is how we deal with these feelings.

One of the most effective techniques for this is deep breathing, which can be easily taught. This simple act of correctly following the air entering and leaving the lungs can calm the mind and make negative feelings less overwhelming.

Another piece of advice is to encourage young people to express their feelings through safe and healthy strategies, such as keeping a journal, painting, or even participating in sports games where they can externalize their emotions.

Building a strong social support network also plays a crucial role. With solid friendships and an active family, the child feels more secure in sharing their feelings and seeking help when needed.

All these steps, when approached effectively and consistently, can contribute to preventing self-harm in childhood and adolescence and making our young people more resilient in the face of challenges ahead.

How the Brazilian Society of Hypnosis works in preventing self-harm in childhood and adolescence

How the Brazilian Society of Hypnosis works in preventing self-harm in childhood and adolescence

The Brazilian Society of Hypnosis (SBH) has been committed to preventing self-harm in childhood and adolescence through various specialized actions.

One of the ways SBH acts is through education. We conduct lectures and workshops for schools and communities, aiming to raise awareness about the importance of mental health. These events feature the participation of therapists specializing in clinical hypnosis, who teach practical methods for identifying early signs of emotional distress.

Another practice of SBH is the constant training of new professionals. We believe that clinical hypnosis, when used ethically and scientifically, can be a powerful tool in treating children and adolescents who self-harm. For this reason, we offer continuous training courses, workshops, and practical training for health professionals and therapists interested in enhancing their technical skills.

Furthermore, SBH also works on developing clinical protocols aimed at preventing and treating self-harm. Clinical hypnosis consultations seek to enhance therapeutic solutions, stimulating the patient’s connection with self-knowledge, self-care, and self-compassion.

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Our mission is to promote emotional health through hypnosis, always focused on evidence-based practices. We do this with ethics, responsibility, and a commitment to helping build a healthier and more conscious society.

Conclusion: facing the problem through understanding and proper treatment

Facing the problem of self-harm in childhood and adolescence requires, above all, understanding and empathy. It is a challenge that involves all of us. Thus, understanding the causes, recognizing the signs, and seeking appropriate interventions is the first step.

No one is alone in this fight. There are specialists and highly effective therapies that can help these young people overcome this critical phase. Among them, clinical hypnosis has emerged as an effective method.

Hypnosis is a tool that has the power to reach the human mind deeply, instigating self-awareness and the ability to deal with negative feelings and emotions. In this way, it can play a significant role in preventing and treating self-harm.

At the Brazilian Society of Hypnosis (SBH), we are committed to promoting emotional health through hypnosis, in alignment with the best scientific and ethical practices.
However, it is important to perform clinical hypnosis responsibly and with properly certified and trained professionals.

The path is not easy, but with understanding, support, and proper treatment, we can help young people struggling with self-harm overcome this challenge and move forward towards healthy and happy lives.

Conclusion: Understanding Self-Harm in Childhood and Adolescence to Prevent

In this article, we addressed important topics about the challenge of facing self-harm in childhood and adolescence . The aim is to make you aware of the important role we have in preventing and treating this complex problem.

Dealing with self-harm involves understanding and comprehending each case individually. This task is not simple, but it is possible with empathy, understanding, open communication, and, most importantly, the ability to identify signs early.

We also saw that clinical hypnosis has stood out as an efficient treatment tool. Hypnosis can access deep layers of the human mind and create space for understanding and managing feelings and emotions.

The Brazilian Society of Hypnosis (SBH) is committed to disseminating the practice of clinical hypnosis as a real hope for the treatment and prevention of self-harm in childhood and adolescence.

The path is challenging, but together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of children and adolescents facing this problem. Understanding is the first step. The second is to turn this understanding into effective actions.

So, are you interested in learning scientific hypnosis to apply professionally? To enhance your results in your current profession or even have a new profession? Learn about the evidence-based hypnosis training and postgraduate courses from the Brazilian Society of Hypnosis through the link.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can clinical hypnosis assist in treating self-harm in childhood and adolescence?

Clinical hypnosis can be a valuable tool in treating self-harm by allowing access to the patient’s subconscious, where traumas and emotions that trigger self-harm often reside. It can help the patient process these feelings and develop healthier coping strategies.

Can parents do anything to prevent self-harm in childhood and adolescence?

Yes, parents can play an important role in prevention. Building a safe and welcoming family environment is crucial. Open conversations about feelings and problems can help the child or adolescent express their emotions in a healthier way.

What can cause self-harm in children and adolescents?

Many factors can lead to self-harm in childhood and adolescence. It can result from trauma, high stress, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, among others. Each case is individual and should be treated according to its specificities.

What are the warning signs of self-harm in children and adolescents?

Warning signs can vary, but generally include behaviors such as wearing long sleeves even on hot days (to hide marks), social isolation, sudden behavior changes, decline in school performance, or constant expression of feelings of hopelessness.

When to seek professional help in cases of self-harm in childhood and adolescence?

It is important to seek professional help as soon as any sign of self-harm is noticed. The earlier the problem is detected and treated, the greater the chance of recovery and prevention of long-term damage. Qualified professionals such as psychologists and hypnotherapists can provide the necessary assistance.

This publication is also available at: Portuguese (Brazil) Spanish

Picture of Erick Ribeiro

Erick Ribeiro

Psychologist graduated from PUC Minas and co-founder of the Brazilian Society of Hypnosis. With extensive experience in clinical hypnosis, he also works in the field of digital marketing, helping to popularize hypnosis on the internet. His work is focused on empowering hypnotherapists, offering them tools to improve their practices and reach more people.

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