Esquecer a Língua Materna: Compreenda Como e Por Que Isso Ocorre

Forgetting the Mother Tongue: Understand How and Why It Happens

Forgetting the mother tongue: uncover the mysteries of this surprising phenomenon and understand what science says about it.

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How captivating is the idea of “forgetting the mother tongue”? After all, how could it be possible to forget the first language learned since birth? But, according to various studies, this is not only possible but happens regularly. The Brazilian Society of Hypnosis (SBH) explores this fascinating topic, revealing the extent to which the human mind can erase and recover information, in this case, the language that is most inherent to us.

However, before we delve into this fascinating topic, rest assured that we are not here to cause alarm or insinuate that you will wake up one day and no longer be able to speak Portuguese. Our mission is to share knowledge ethically, responsibly, and based on evidence, allowing you to understand how our brain works.

This journey will take us from the cognitive and social aspects behind language forgetting to the myths spread about this topic. We’ll explore factors that influence this process as well as the impact of learning new languages on the mother tongue. We’ll take a special look at the role of hypnosis in recovering the mother tongue and share authentic case studies and methods for reclaiming the mother tongue.

Interested? Be prepared to challenge some of your assumptions about language and memory while expanding your knowledge about clinical hypnosis and the power of its application. In this fascinating world of forgetting and recovering the mother tongue, we are constantly learning, and we invite you to join us in this discovery.

Understanding the Process of Forgetting the Mother Tongue

Over the years, you may have heard stories of people who, after some time living in a foreign country, began to forget the mother tongue. But how does this occur?

There are several theories about the process of forgetting the mother tongue. One of them is the interference hypothesis, which suggests that learning a second language can interfere with the mastery of the first. This would happen because both languages need to share the same space in the brain, competing for attention and use.

  • Forgetting does not occur abruptly, it is usually a process that happens over time. And it is worth remembering, it is more likely to happen in people who completely stop using the mother tongue. In other words, lack of practice helps accelerate the forgetting process.
  • Another theory is that the second language creates “blocks” for the first. In other words, when learning a second language, our brain creates new neural connections, which can hinder immediate access to our mother tongue.

Although this may seem alarming, it is important to note that most people living in a foreign country continue to use their mother tongue to some extent, which helps maintain language skills in that language. And even if some skills are forgotten, they can usually be recovered with practice and exposure to the language.

Cognitive and Social Aspects Behind Language Forgetting

It is fascinating to understand the cognitive and social aspects that can lead a person to forget the mother tongue. Our mind is powerful, and its functions of storing and retrieving information can be impacted by various factors.

In cognitive terms, our brain uses a process called interference to deal with new learning. This means that when we learn new skills, we tend to apply the new knowledge in place of the old, possibly forgetting previous information. In this case, linguistic interference can occur when we are learning a new language, leading to the forgetting of the mother tongue.

As for social aspects, the context in which we live plays a significant role. If we are in an environment where we need to constantly use a second language, it is normal for our mother tongue to end up being sidelined. This need to socially adapt and communicate efficiently in the new language can lead to the gradual forgetting of the mother tongue.

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When observing possible forgetting of the mother tongue, it is crucial to consider both cognitive and social aspects. These two factors together play an important role in determining the extent to which the mother tongue can be forgotten and how fast this loss will be.

Factors Influencing the Forgetting of the Mother Tongue

Factors Influencing the Forgetting of the Mother Tongue

There are a number of factors that can contribute to someone forgetting the mother tongue. These factors vary from person to person, and time and circumstances play a crucial role.

However, some of the most common factors include:

  • The time of exposure to the new language – the more time someone spends immersed in an environment where a language different from the mother tongue is spoken, the greater the likelihood of forgetting.
  • The age at which the new language was learned – some studies suggest that children who learn a new language before the age of six are more likely to forget their mother tongue.
  • The frequency with which the mother tongue is used – lack of regular use can accelerate the forgetting process.

It is worth noting that forgetting the mother tongue does not happen suddenly. It is usually a gradual process that occurs over a long period of time.

In the next section, we will discuss how learning new languages can impact your mother tongue.

Learning New Languages and Its Impact on the Mother Tongue

When acquiring proficiency in a new language, it is common to wonder about the impact of this learning on our mother tongue. Many believe that by learning a second language, we run the risk of “forgetting the mother tongue”. But is this true?

In reality, the process of learning new languages does not cause the forgetting of the mother tongue. What can occur is the phenomenon known as linguistic interference. This happens when the structure of one language interferes with how we speak or write in another.

For example, we may end up using the grammatical structure of the second language when expressing ourselves in our mother tongue. We may also start using “false friends”, which are words that sound similar in two languages but have different meanings.

It is important to emphasize that this phenomenon does not mean forgetting the mother tongue; rather, it reflects how our brain works in categorizing and organizing the languages we speak.

Thus, when learning new languages, we may face challenges with linguistic interference, but these difficulties do not imply forgetting the mother tongue. Learning new languages, in fact, enriches our brain and expands our linguistic and cultural competencies.

Myths About Forgetting the Mother Tongue

When navigating through the fascinating topic of “forgetting the mother tongue”, some misleading ideas may arise. First, it is necessary to clarify that it is not a completely definitive process. It is more a matter of disuse than actual forgetting. The less we use certain words or linguistic structures, the harder it becomes to remember them. But this does not mean that we have completely erased this information from the brain.

In fact, a common myth is to think that acquiring a new language can erase the mother tongue. In reality, the human brain has an enormous capacity to learn and store multiple languages simultaneously. What can occur is linguistic interference, where one language influences and mixes with the others. But to disappear completely, that is unlikely.

Another myth is that only young children are capable of completely forgetting the mother tongue. Although children are more susceptible to this process due to their brain plasticity, adults can also experience this if they live immersed in a new language and completely abandon the use of the mother tongue.

But considering the forgetting of the native language as something irremediable is one of the biggest myths surrounding the topic. Even if someone does not use their mother tongue for many years, with the right conditions and stimulus, it is possible to reclaim these linguistic memories.

How to Prevent Forgetting the Mother Tongue

How to Prevent Forgetting the Mother Tongue

To prevent forgetting the mother tongue, it is essential to maintain an active connection with it. A good strategy is to make regular use of the language, whether at home, in conversations with family and friends, or by consuming media in your native language, such as music, movies, and books.

Maintaining contact with the culture is also one of the most effective ways to prevent forgetting. Participating in cultural events, cooking traditional foods, and even maintaining cultural practices in daily life can significantly contribute to keeping the language alive.

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Learning a new language is not synonymous with “forgetting the mother tongue”, but establishing a balance between both helps to avoid loss. Setting aside specific time each day for practicing the mother tongue can be very effective, like moments of reading, writing, or simply speaking out loud.

Finally, the use of technology can also be a great ally. Language learning apps often include options to practice and improve the mother tongue, and the advent of social media platforms allows connection with communities and groups that speak the same language.

However, it is important to remember that each person is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Experimenting with different strategies and approaches may be the key to finding the ideal solution to prevent forgetting the mother tongue.

The Role of Hypnosis in Recovering the Mother Tongue

As professionals dedicated to promoting emotional health, we understand that clinical hypnosis plays a fundamental role in treating various issues, including “the recovery of the mother tongue”. It is a powerful tool in our hands that can significantly assist those who have difficulty regaining the ability to communicate easily in their native language.

Sometimes, forgetting the mother tongue may be linked to trauma or emotional factors. For this reason, our approach is holistic and personalized, always prioritizing the well-being of the person seeking our help. Hypnosis, in this context, acts by enhancing the emotional connection the individual may have lost with their own language.

Specifically, the process involves the application of relaxation techniques, deep concentration, and positive suggestions that function as a stimulus for the mind. By realizing the powerful psychological forces that are capable of influencing even the language we speak, we understand how crucial it is to use such techniques consciously and responsibly.

It is important to emphasize that, although this may be an effective therapy for some people, results vary from case to case. Some may find it easier to regain fluency in their mother tongue with the help of hypnosis, while others may require associated techniques. Therefore, continuous and personalized follow-up is essential during the process of recovering the mother tongue.

Case Studies of People Who Forgot the Mother Tongue

Through the analysis of real cases, we can better understand the phenomenon of forgetting the mother tongue. Among them, we find the case of Peter, a Polish man who moved to England and who, after several years without contact with his mother tongue, ended up forgetting it.

His story is interesting because he not only forgot the mother tongue but also developed a new British accent, completely losing his Polish accent. Despite this, Peter managed to recall his mother tongue after a few sessions of hypnotherapy.

I also remember Ana, a Brazilian who has lived in Germany for over twenty years. She reported that she almost forgot how to speak Portuguese after so many years immersed in the German language. However, just like with Peter, a few sessions of hypnotherapy were enough for Ana to regain fluency in Portuguese.

These cases highlight the importance of maintaining the mother tongue and also demonstrate how clinical hypnosis can help in reclaiming this important aspect of our identity.

Reclaiming the Mother Tongue: Methods and Techniques

Reclaiming the Mother Tongue: Methods and Techniques

Recovering the mother tongue is like an awakening of memory, it is a rediscovery of one’s roots, and clinical hypnosis can be a powerful ally on this journey.

As a first step, it is important to foster frequent exposure to the language. This can be achieved by reading books, watching movies, and talking with people who share the same language. Your mind will begin to reacquaint itself with words, phrases, and sounds that were forgotten.

Importance of consistent use: just like acquiring a new language, constant practice is vital. A phrase that sums up this issue is: “Practice or forget”. This means that the more you use the language, the less likely you are to forget it.

Don’t give up: at times, it may seem like you are fighting a losing battle, but patience is essential. The more you strive to recall, the deeper you will penetrate the maze of connections that constitute the language.

However, more than simple repetition and exposure, clinical hypnosis can offer a unique and powerful approach to this process. With hypnosis, it is possible to access and stimulate the parts of the brain that store the memory of the language, facilitating the path to awakening the mother tongue.

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By deciding to embark on this journey of recovering the mother tongue, you are choosing to strengthen your cultural identity, your self-expression, and your connection to your roots. Do not let the fear of forgetting the mother tongue prevent you from reinforcing this valuable connection.

Psychological and Emotional Aspects Linked to the Mother Tongue

The psychological and emotional aspects linked to the mother tongue are overwhelming. After all, our first language is imbued with ourselves: it is the language of our most authentic expressions, of the deepest emotions and feelings. It is our way of connecting to the world, from the earliest days of life.

Therefore, forgetting the mother tongue, whether partially or completely, also entails the loss of part of our internal world. It is as if pieces of our identity are lost, threatening the way we perceive ourselves and interpret the world around us.

Moreover, the mother tongue is an anchor for memory: it is through it that we access memories from the early years of life, often stored in what is known as “autobiographical memory”. Thus, forgetting the mother tongue can mean losing access to these memories as well.

Additionally, language is fundamental to the socialization process, and the mother tongue has a special role in this context. It provides us with the emotional vocabulary to express our feelings and communicate with others.

However, even in the face of all these challenges, it is important to remember that it is possible to reestablish the connection with the mother tongue, reclaim its association with our emotions and identity, and strengthen the link between our present and past.

Conclusion: Valuing the Mother Tongue

Forgetting the mother tongue is an intriguing and complex psychological phenomenon that has its roots in the cognitive, social, and even emotional aspects of our lives. However, the loss is not definitive, and recovery is possible, especially with the help of techniques such as clinical hypnosis. Regardless of how fluent you have become in a different language, the language you grew up with will remain an intrinsic part of your identity.

Hypnosis, with its ability to access the most hidden recesses of our mind and unlock seemingly forgotten information, can be a powerful ally in recovering the mother tongue. However, it is crucial to maintain a responsible and ethical approach, respecting individualities and each person’s own pace.

The knowledge and awareness of the potential to “forget the mother tongue” allow us to value our native language even more, dedicating ourselves to preserving and nurturing it. By strengthening the connection with our mother tongue, we also strengthen the connection with our roots, our culture, and ourselves.

Interested in uncovering the mysteries of how hypnosis can enhance your ability to help people rediscover and recover their mother tongue? Visit our website and learn more about the evidence-based hypnosis courses and training offered by the Brazilian Society of Hypnosis. Take a step forward and enhance your career with valuable and transformative knowledge.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to completely forget the mother tongue?

No, it is usually not possible to completely forget the mother tongue. Unless there is a severe case of psychological trauma or brain injury, the ability to speak and understand the mother tongue remains in our subconscious.

Can hypnosis help in recovering the mother tongue?

Yes. Clinical hypnosis has the potential to access deep memories in the subconscious, where our fundamental language is stored. Thus, it can indeed be a useful tool in recovering the mother tongue.

Why do some people forget their mother tongue?

Forgetting the mother tongue usually occurs when a person does not practice it for a long period of time, especially if they are immersed in an environment where another language is predominantly spoken.

What factors influence the forgetting of the mother tongue?

Various factors can cause the forgetting of the mother tongue, including the period of time without using the language, a child starting to learn a second language during a critical period of linguistic development, and the amount of exposure to other languages in the daily environment.

How to prevent forgetting the mother tongue?

To prevent forgetting the mother tongue, regular practice is crucial. This may include reading books, writing, speaking with others fluent in the mother tongue, or immersing oneself in culture and media in that language.

This publication is also available at: Portuguese (Brazil) Spanish

Picture of Erick Ribeiro

Erick Ribeiro

Psychologist graduated from PUC Minas and co-founder of the Brazilian Society of Hypnosis. With extensive experience in clinical hypnosis, he also works in the field of digital marketing, helping to popularize hypnosis on the internet. His work is focused on empowering hypnotherapists, offering them tools to improve their practices and reach more people.

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